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Industry 4.0 status in the Automation domain

Industry 4.0 has become a buzzword in recent years, and for good reason. The most effective 4.0 technologies (analytics, AI, IoT, digital twins and robotics) are the key to growth. Or? Industry 4.0 is one of the topics during this NFEA-conference

Digitalization in the Automation Domain 2024 takes place in Oslo April (9th) 10th – 11th.

In tomorrow’s industrial landscape, seamless communication and interoperability among components, devices, and applications are crucial. OT systems are heavily influenced by developments in the IT industry, with Platform Industry 4.0 playing a pivotal role in defining manufacturing frameworks. Other significant players include IIoT, IIC, the Open Group, OPAF, NAMUR Open Architecture, and Module Type Package.

Technologies like OPC UA and AutomationML are essential for engineering evolution, and our conference will feature a session dedicated to their role in Industry 4.0. Join us to hear experts discuss these initiatives and more, offering both high-level overviews and detailed insights.

Pre-Conference Introduction: Light Ice Breaker Event

Before the official kickoff of the Digitalization in the Automation Domain 2024 Conference, we invite you to join us for a delightful evening at the Light Ice Breaker event, generously sponsored by Phoenix Contact and Aucotec.

Date & Time:
Date: April 9th
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
This casual gathering provides a perfect opportunity to network with fellow attendees, speakers, and sponsors in a relaxed atmosphere. Enjoy light refreshments and engaging conversations as you prepare for the insightful discussions ahead.

Please note that registration is required to attend the Light Ice Breaker event. Simply tick the designated box when registering for the conference to secure your spot.

Welcome to Digitalization in the Automation Domain 2024 Conference

April 10th: Agenda Highlights:

09:00 - Registration & Coffee: Kickstart your day with refreshments and networking opportunities.

09:50 - Opening & Welcome: Karin Sundsvik from NFEA will commence the conference with a warm welcome and introduction.

10:00 - Industry4Norway: Stay tuned for an exciting presentation on Industry 4.0 developments specific to Norway.

10:20 - Industry 4.0 Status in the Automation Domain: Karsten Schneider from IDTA will delve into the current status and future prospects of Industry 4.0 in automation.

10:50 - Break: Take a short break to recharge and network with fellow attendees.

11:20 - Implementing the EU Digital Product Passport: Christoph Attila Kun from BASF SE will discuss the implementation of the EU Digital Product Passport and its significance in the digital data chain.

11:50 - ChatGPT for PLC/DCS Control Code Generation: Sten Grüner from ABB AG will explore the innovative use of ChatGPT in control code generation.

12:05 - Lunch: Enjoy a delicious lunch and networking opportunity.

13:00 - Towards Autonomy: Sten Grüner from ABB AG will discuss the role of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) in engineering towards autonomy.

13:30 - High-Performance Digital Communication with Ethernet: Gerd Niedermayer from BASF SE will share insights from their journey and experiences in achieving high-performance digital communication with Ethernet.

14:00 - Break: Another opportunity to network and refresh.

14:30 - Information Modeling Initiatives: Dr. Ing. Andreas Schüller from Yncoris will discuss information modeling initiatives at NAMUR.

15:00 - Information Model Management Architecture: Bjørn Jone Jacobsen from Equinor ASA will share experiences from Equinor's Industry 4.0 piloting activities.

15:30 - Break: Time for a quick break before the final sessions of the day.

16:00 - Legacy, Innovation, and Standards: Øivind Rui from Data Treehouse AS will explore how open semantic technologies can integrate information and build a foundation for industrial knowledge graphs.

16:30 - IEC TC 65/NEK 65: Trond Salater from NEK will provide insights into IEC TC 65/NEK 65.

16:45 - 16:50 - Sum Up Day One: A brief summary of the day's proceedings.

18:30 - Social Interaction at Theatercafeen: Join us for an evening of social interaction at Theatercafeen.

19:00 - Conference Dinner: Conclude the day with a delightful conference dinner at Theatercafeen.

April 11th: Conference Program: Continuing the Exploration of Digitalization

09:30 - Requirements and Regulations for Industry 4.0: Christian Markussen and Per Jahre Nilsen from DNV AS will provide insights into the requirements and regulations shaping the landscape of Industry 4.0.

10:00 - Break: Take a short break to recharge before the next session.

10:30 - BIM and Digital Product Passport in Construction: Christian Fredenlund from Cobuilder will discuss the history of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its connection to upcoming EU legislation.

11:00 - Digital Twin of Safety Instrumented Functions: Thomas Halland-Fossen from Kongsberg Maritime will explore the concept of a digital twin for safety instrumented functions.

11:30 - Lunch: Enjoy a delicious lunch and networking opportunity.

12:30 - Dat4Zero, I4.0 Initiatives in EU: Odd Myklebust from SINTEF Manufacturing AS will shed light on Dat4Zero and other Industry 4.0 initiatives in the EU.

13:00 - Digital Safety Twin: Maria Vatshaug Ottermo from SINTEF Digital will discuss the concept of a digital safety twin.

13:30 - Device and Update Management: Jon Kåre Solås from Phoenix Contact AS will explore device and update management as part of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) and OPC UA ecosystem.

14:00 - Break: Another opportunity to network and refresh.

14:30 - The Information Model of Yara's Digital Production Platform: Stig Are Remmen from Yara International ASA will present the information model of Yara's Digital Production Platform.

15:00 - AAS as an Exchange Format for IMF: Arild Waaler from Sirius will discuss the role of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as an exchange format for Facility Asset Information Modelling Framework (IMF).

15:30-15:35 - Ultra Quick Sum Up: A rapid recap of the day's insights and takeaways.



Andøyfaret 33, bygg D
4623 Kristiansand
Org. nr.: NO882267792


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